miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Mauro Libi: What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship

Resultado de imagen para Social Entrepreneurship

About applying practical, innovative and sustainable approaches to benefit society in general, with an emphasis on those who are marginalized and poor.

A term that captures a unique approach to economic and social problems, an approach that cuts across sectors and disciplines grounded in certain values and processes that are common to each social entrepreneur, independent of whether his/ her area of focus has been education, health, welfare reform, human rights, workers' rights, environment, economic development, agriculture, etc., or whether the organizations they set up are non-profit or for-profit entities.

It is this approach that sets the social entrepreneur apart from the rest of the crowd of well-meaning people and organizations who dedicate their lives to social improvement.

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

Avelina drives business relationship with Chile

Venezuelan brand of corn flakes Avelina is driving its business relationship with Chile, a country from which most of its raw material, with a view to achieving a space for the supply of oats processed.

 This was announced by Mauro Libi Crestani, president of the processing industry Cereal (Inproceca), who explained that due to climatic reasons, the cultivation of oats in Chile is highly efficient, which has led them to produce excellent quality products and export volumes. "Our intention is to keep learning from those who, by natural conditions, have established a tradition in the efficient production of this cereal," added the spokesman.

Recently, Avelina brand was invited to participate in the "Flavors and Cavas del Sur, Chile to your table" event, organized by the Embassy of Chile in Venezuela, with the aim of publicizing the news, trends and innovations in supply export of Chile and at the same time highlight the value of those outstanding Venezuelan companies, in which raw material production process is used from Chile.

 "We hope to continue consolidating this approach in order to get the most learning and to open up new spaces for our product to export Avelina" added Crestani Mauro Libi.

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