domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Mauro Libi: Survive in times of crisis

Friends and customers always ask me what to do to overcome a crisis and prevent their business from failing. I always answer the same thing: A positive attitude and the willingness to change, those are the keys to overcoming any difficulties.

We must placate the nerves that generates uncertainty. You remember that when calm is maintained, then your buisness intuition is acute and will  usually go better than when you are carried away by confusion, fear and disorder.

Something we have to work on is to control the fear of uncertainty. Fear is negative and makes everything look gray. Fear paralyzes the brain and does not allow us to make good decisions. It is said that a little scare from time to time allows us to be cautious when performing risky business but persistent fear will lead us to an area where we have little chance of winning. So my best advice is to depart from fear and safely follow the path we defined at the beginning of our goals. A little caution is good, but if you are afraid to take any risks then you can not progress.

You have to be positive, sure of yourself, you must be in a position to achieve the goals and this is achieved through positive thinking and attitude of winning.

When you feel winning goals are achieved. Avoid stress at all costs, chat with friends, laugh, fully enjoy  every minute of your life. When this occurs, internal optimism that helps to overcome the crisis is generated.

Do not take the bad experiences that happen to you as divine punishment but as learning, every mistake is an opportunity to learn to do things better.

So I insist that you must learn from your mistakes because they certainly are your great teacher. Thomas Edison, the great inventor was not successful the first time he tried to create a new invention. He had many failures. He claimed that he had hundreds of failures till he was successful with an invention. He used to say, that he never had a failure, he just founds hundreds of ways that his invention did not work. He saw his failures, not as a failure but as a step toward his ultimate goal. Positive thinking allowed him to create so many great inventions.

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