We all have met people with negative and poor attitudes. They may be the people in your company that can not judge the value of a product beyond it’s cost. They were the ones that will tell you in many excuses why something will not work. In their mind and in their world nothing will work. They will tell you about the cost and the overhead and can not see a winning product.
The Swiss Watch Industry was, meanwhile, able to continue producing watches and once the war was over, enjoyed a market advantage that allowed it to command up to 90% of the world’s consumer watch industry. In 1954, Swiss engineer Max Hetzel developed an electronic wristwatch . The Swiss watch company saw no value in electronic watches. So they allowed the engineer and his invention to go to the Japanese. By the time the 1970’s started the Swiss watch company was in an economic crisis. It no longer had the bulk of the world’s watch sales. The swiss company had the invention and let it go. Their downfall was their attitude. Having a negative attitude in business can be so toxic that t reminds me of a quote from Helen Keller, “There is nothing so sad as a person that eyes and can not see.”
“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” Bruce Lee. I guess Bruce Lee had his own way of saying that if you are positive the sky is the limit. The real successful people and companies want to excel and to be the first in technology. The boxer Muhammed Ali believed that he could achieve anything in the boxing world. He was famous for saying, ‘I am the greatest.’ He believed it and he made it happen. Mr Ali has said that he became the greatest in boxing because he knew that was the greatest before he actually was.
I want end by quoting once again Bruce Lee, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” We all have a different set of talents. If we are positive and believe that our own brand has value then we follow our own way. We tend to copy others when we feel that people will not accept us for who we are, that they will not buy our brand of product. We may try to imitate others because we have a negative view of ourselves. Trust yourself and create your own brand and it may turn out to be better than anything else. By Mauro Libi Crestani.
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