Then his boss, a Mr. Merrill had a few words with him
that would change his life. Mr. Merrill had a cookware company and
Ziglar was a salesman working for him. I am going to quote part of this story
from a book called ‘Life at the Top’ written years latter by Zig Ziglar.
Mr. Merrill: “ I have never seen such a waste of
time and effort”
Ziglar remembers. “Well, that was kind of a shock.
But I asked, ‘What do you mean?’
He said, ‘‘I believe you can be a great one in this
business if you would just believe in yourself, work on learning more, doing
better and helping other people.’
Now, Mr. Merrill’s company had 7000 salespeople.
Ziglar went from being one of the worst salespeople to the number two
salesperson within a matter of weeks and then took a job with another company
of was their number one salesperson. Merrell didn’t wave a magic wand over
Ziglar that fateful day, but until that point, Ziglar viewed himself as a
little guy from a little town. Merrell saw him as a potential champion.
Merrell’s words were the key that allowed Ziglar to unlock the potential
within. The key was belief. Now Mr. Merrill’s words was taken to heart by
Ziglar but still as with anyone that tries a new and changing attitude, it was
not easy and Ziglar still had his doubts that he would ever be anything more
than just a little guy from a little town.
That was when he read Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book,
The Power of Positive Thinking. Dr. Peale helped me identify the real
source of my problems. Needless to say, it was me. Ziglar learned that he
was the only thing standing between himself and his success. The way he saw
himself, the way he saw others and what he believed about himself and others
could either propel his success or inhibit it.
Zig Ziglar was to go on to become the most famous and
successful motivational speaker in modern times. For the last fifty years of
his life he was to give countless success seminars and workshops and wrote over
twenty four books. His seminars stressed one main point. You could unlock your
true potential if you just believed in yourself.
Positive attitude goes even a step further than just
having belief in yourself. It changes who you are. When you encourage others to
feel better about themselves and you encourage them to be more positive, then
you will actually gain more out of that encouragement than they will get from
your words.
“So many times people have responded so well. When you
encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you’re making a
commitment and difference in that person’s life. Encouragement really does make
a difference.” “Help other people do the right thing, tutor them if it’s
possible and practical, but always encourage them. Encouragement is the fuel on
which success thrives.” By Mauro Libi Crestani.
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