By Mauro Libi Crestani. A young man about asked me. What the vision of your business?

A young man about 24 years old was considering doing business in Venezuela but was afraid to take the risk. Everything changes daily.
It's too risky, he said.
That's when I told him that one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, Mark Zuckerberg has the following motto: "In a world that is changing really fast, the only strategy where failure is guaranteed is in not taking risks".
When you have a clear vision of the business, take into account that the risks are part of the process, without risk there is no change, the great achievements require taking risks, often very dangerous ones. Our companies have a very clear vision and mission. That is why we are committed to the country and to our growth in the market. We are confident that with our plan of operations, we will gain an increasing market share of the cereal sector.
In Frimaca, creativity is fundamental. We have teams of professionals trained and motivated to succeed. We know the Venezuelan market very well and internationally we have taken our products to countries such as Dominican Republic, Panama and Colombia. Every movement, every action that involves risk involves intelligent and sagacious thought and planning so you can rest assured that we are prepared to compete and come out on top. We will continue preparing to conquer the challenges and adversity of globalization while taking our stand as the absolute best.
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