By Mauro Libi.
You have been at a particular job for some time and you seem to be getting
nowhere. You just are not advancing. You watch your co-workers advance to
higher pay and advance in job position and status. This gets you upset, but is
not unexpected, you just knew that you would be passed up. Why is it that you
are being passed up for promotions.
Well! Maybe it is your attitude. According to new
research, 97 percent of employees report that they have a Career Limiting Habit
(CLH) that keeps them from achieving their potential at work. Negative attitude
was listed as the fifth most common career limiting habit. According to
reports, a negative attitude at work will not only prevent you from getting
promotions, there is a good chance that you will get fired. Mauro Libi.

Passive Aggressive is the term applied to people who
respond aggressively and negatively to demands made upon them by using such
passive means as procrastination, dawdling, intentional inefficiency, or
deliberate forgetfulness. Usually the person is not aware of this
behavior. Mauro Libi.
Even though the person is not aware of their attitude,
your buyers could sense it. Your friends and employers will more than sense it
, they will know that you have these character traits. This can get you
dismissed from your job. But even it if doesn’t as a salesperson, you can’t
afford to give off these negative signs to your buyers and clients- you must
find a way to be a positive influence upon those around you. I guarantee this
will get you more sales. Mauro Libi.
The good news, is that you can change to a positive
attitude. First, you have to recognize your problem. So if your production at
work takes a dive. Speak to co-workers, speak to your supervisor, speak to
friends. Ask them to be honest with you – what do they see holding you back.
Then assess if that is a possibility. They may be right on. Sometimes it is
easier to see problems from a distance. After you recognize that the problem
lies with your attitude, you can now change. Remember, you can’t change unless
you truly want to! Mauro Libi.
Now we all know that changing long hard habits is not
easy. Change can be a difficult thing especially if you focus on how hard it
is. Instead, think of how one small change can make the world of difference.
Change can be exciting, exhilarating and rejuvenating! Tell yourself that …..’I
need to increase sales, having a relationship will help my attitude which in
turn will make me more appealing to my customers. A good attitude will also
make me more appealing to friends.’ Having a positive attitude will help you
both in business and in your personal life. Mauro Libi.
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