A person with a positive attitude, will
see everything as another step toward his goal and success. It doesn't matter
if you have a few bumpy steps in the road, you know they all lead to your chest
of gold.
A poor attitude makes a
person depressed. When your depressed, it's hard to be creative. It's hard to
come up with that great idea that will make you a winner. For a writer, to
write his best seller book, for a scientist to discover that great discovery,
they need to first believe that could do it. If they believe that they could do
the impossible, then they could see things that do not presently exist. To
discover the next wonder drug or computer program. It's all a question of
perspective and positiveattitude.
Peter Pan, an imaginary figure said it best, " if you believe, if you
really believe, then you can fly."
Visite tambien www.frimaca.com
| www.avelina.com.ve | www.casahogaralfin.org | www.economia-venezuela.com |
www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com |
www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
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