viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Mauro Libi: Know the emotional intelligence skills


Analyzing the reasons for the success of business leaders, it has been determined that personality is the key, even more than their own skills at work, if we talk about business, personality is the set of preferences and trends that allow the individual to approach the world. Personality is formed from the earliest age of individuals and are fixed in adulthood and defined, for example, as introverted or extroverted. Personality is something that once defined remains in time.

     It is important not to confuse personality with intellect, nor with emotional intelligence. It is a mistake that many business leaders have made that they have confused personality to what in reality was emotional intelligence skills. Skills that anyone can incorporate to your life. Let's see what those emotional intelligence skills are:

1. Go beyond what is required. For the successful worker, whether executive or subordinate, reward is not a worry, it doesn’t put limits to their work and is always willing to give a little more. The successful employee doesn’t circumscribe his tasks to the specifications and descriptions that are supplied to him, but is willing to go further without expecting recognition.

2. He is tolerant to the conflict. He neither provokes nor escapes, on the contrary, the successful worker is able to maintain his calm and expose his position and look serene and logical. Resist personal attacks.

3. People with emotional skills can distinguish what is important and focus on it. Focused on the essential they are not distracted by tricks or secondary ones. The goal is always in their mind. The successful employee is not disturbed by clients in a bad mood or is not afraid with complaints and gossip that live in offices. They know how to differentiate between real problems and what, simply, is not.

4. The successful employee is courageous. He is always willing to talk and to expose his ideas when others are not. If he is sure of what he believes, he holds to whomever and doesn’t stop at the moment of having to confront an executive decision. Of course, he thinks before speaking and in a calmly and serenely way, with wisdom and at the best time.

5. He controls his ego. He is not dominated by his passions. He admits his mistakes and shows his willingness to do things differently, either because he recognizes that it is a better way or by the desire to maintain the harmony of the team.

6. He feels that things can always be done better. He is never satisfied and also, he are convinced that everything is never enough.

7. If he feels something is wrong, immediately, he acts. If it is broken he fixes it, if it doesn’t work he repair it.

8. The successful worker is highly responsible. The excuses are not part of his list. He assumes what is right and what is wrong.

9. He tries to be pleasant and maintain harmony and cordiality with the rest of the people and members of his team. He integrates into the group and has a great leadership. You can trust him to represent the company.

10. Toxic people do not stop or neutralize him, he knows how to control them, plus he maintains emotional control over them. He identifies his own emotions and doesn’t allow under any concept that anger or frustration dominate him.






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