martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Mauro Libi: Five mistakes that can make you fail at teleworkin


Every time, more and more employees are working from home and everything seems to be increasing. It is a formula that has been successful. However, there are those who warn that it could simply become a new way to procrastinate. Teleworking is a reality that has increased in organizations that have joined to digitization and surely more companies and entrepreneurship are getting involve; the percentage of employees working from their homes will be greater. In fact, teleworking is a modality that rises thanks to the technological advances that have made it viable and an alternative for those who have to go every day to the companies and entrepreneurship.

     The important thing is to change the approaches and raise awareness that teleworking can become a modality that can lead to a considerable increase in productivity and performance. It should be noted that not all tasks and professions can be carried out from home, but if it is not your case, here are the mistakes that you should avoid to ensure the success of telecommuting. Take a look of these five mistakes:

1.      Good communication is important for teleworking:

·         Being at home does not mean being absent from work.
·         Therefore, those who work under this modality have to be permanently available and for this, electronic mail, telephone calls and videoconferences are fundamental tools.
·         Flexibility at work requires many ways of contact, and teleworking requires a lot of it.
·         Only this will ensure productivity and performance.
·         It should be transparency about the tasks that the manager or director wants from the worker, so they should always be very well connected.

     2. Do not do the tasks with proper control:

·         Teleworking requires a lot of discipline.
·         The company must have a lot of confidence in the worker who works under this modality.
·         The encouragement word and congratulation are good incentives that increase performance.
·         It exist software control that makes possible (for the manager and the worker) to work in coordination.

    3. Dismiss relationships and work environment:

·         It does not matter if you work from home the location and work environment have to be harmonious.
·         It shouldn’t exclude people from organizational events just because they do not work on the physical office.
·         The human factor will always be a key factor for the activities development, productivity and performance to materialize.
·         The employee has to feel that he is part of a team and that he shares experiences with the rest of the people who integrate the company or enterprise.

  4. Not having the right software:

·         This is vital because the worker must have the tools that allow him to carry out his work with efficiency and effectiveness.

  5. Mistrust:

·         This is fatal and causes split links that must exist between the worker, the company and the management.

·         In teleworking the phantom of mistrust should exist.






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