martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Mauro Libi: Four tips to know what is and what is not innovation

     In no small number of occasions we have underlined the importance, how vital it is for organizations to be innovative to guarantee your permanence in time, but apparently there is still confusion about what it means to be innovative. Usually innovation is confused with creativity, investment, product development and ideas, among others. Before this, we proceed to clarify what is and what is not innovation.

1. Believe that innovations are ideas that arise magically. Innovation is definitely not an idea that comes up as a spark. No, good ideas are not a casual fact, a sudden inspiration (one isolated case is possible) but the product of study, analysis, research, hard work and experience.

2. More than ideas. Innovation surpasses the concept of idea which is only the beginning of the innovative fact, but not the innovation as a whole. Ideas require much work after their emergence and therefore, must be accompanied by strategy, vision, precise knowledge of the client's needs, habits, beliefs, etc. Ideas require validation to know if they are feasible and applicable.

3. Innovation is not an invention. Inventions only acquire value when someone is interested in them and wants to buy them. When an invention is exploited and begins to add value, then, we talk about innovation.

4. Invest is not innovate. It is said of large investments in this or that area as a synonym for innovation and yes, investment is very important and vital for the innovative fact, but it doesn’t constitute it.

     So, what is innovation? Simply, is the implementation of something new, something that adds value to what already exists, something that breaks paradigms, is what adds sustainability to the work area. It is the change that produces novelty, which revolutionizes some procedure or imposes a new way of doing things.



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